Armed Conflict, Violence Against Women and Peacebuilding

The Story Kitchen’s two current projects, Sharing and Amplifying Her Allegorical Stories (SAHAS) for Justice and Voices for Justice (VfJ) use storytelling to encourage survivors of gender-based violence during the decade-long armed conflict between the Nepalese government and the CPN Maoists to feel safe enough to break their silence, come together to heal, and seek transitional justice. These projects are made possible with the funding support of the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women and the Governance Facility.TSK is implementing the SAHAS project in partnership with National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders in Nepal.

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Women and Media

The Story Kitchen is committed to facilitating collaborative relationships between women media makers in Nepal. TSK works with women radio producers, journalists, broadcasters, and women-run radio station with the belief that by creating a supportive network for women in media we can build our collective power and achieve our vision for gender equality and social justice.

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Women and Politics

TSK firmly believes that mainstreaming women’s voices into national debates and policy making can play crucial role in making gender equality a reality. Prior to the completion of the 2015 Constitution of Nepal, TSK produced 40 videos featuring experts, women’s rights activists, political leaders and young women analyzing the draft constitution from a women’s rights perspective in order to create a platform for dialogue and discussion.

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Women and Migration

Production of Stories of Returnee Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon

TSK worked with Anti-Slavery International (ASI) to produce personal narratives of Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) returning to Nepal from Lebanon.

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